The impact of viable system model on organizations success in the security sector of Egypt
Ahmed Aboushama, Aiman A Ragab , Mohamed A Ragheb , Alaa A Abdelbaray
Publication date 2018/7/1
Source The Business & Management Review
Security becomes an important issue in nowadays in Egypt, especially after the recent revolutions happening in the country since year 2011. Thus, there is a great concern with the security services provided in the country nowadays. Therefore, the organizations success in the field of security is gaining a high focus and new contributions in managing such organizations become an essential requirement. Accordingly, this research comes to introduce the viable system model (VSM) as a solution to the problems that such organizations are facing, as VSM is designed to surface deficiencies present in the existing systems.
Questionnaires are directed to experts in the field of security to figure out the problems they are facing and provide solutions using VSM. A structural equation modeling will be conducted to analyze the questionnaires after applying reliability and validity analysis.
Results showed that the first and fifth hypotheses are supported, as there was a significant relation between Operation and Organizational Success as well as Top management and Organizational Success. On the other hand, the second, third and fourth hypotheses are rejected as there was an insignificant relation between each of Coordination, Executive Management, Sustainable Development and Organizational Success.