Author(s) Ahmed M Sakr , Mohamed A Ragheb , Aiman A Ragab , Rabab K Abdou Publication date 2014 Journal International Journal of Economics and Finance Abstract Purpose: The persistence of momentum in stock returns across both developed and emerging markets …
Author(s) Ayman Mohamed Nabil Anter Kandil , Mohamed A Ragheb , Aiman A Ragab , Mahmoud Farouk Publication date 2018/7/1 Source The Business & Management Review Abstract Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important, with its varying models and types, as it is …
Author(s) Sandy kyaw Rimon Micheal , Aiman Ragab Publication date 2014 Journal Asian Economic and Financial Review , 2014 ABSTRACT Corporate governance is well thought-out to have major implications for the growth prediction of an economy. Fine corporate governance practices are …
Author(s) Mohammed Soliman , Aiman A Ragab Publication date 2013/1/27 Journal Proceedings of 6th International Business and Social Sciences Research Conference Abstract Board of directors play a vital role in controlling agency problem between shareholders and managers arise due to …
Author(s) Passent Ibrahim Tantawi , Nicholas Jackson O’Shaughnessy , Khaled AbdelRahman Gad , Mohamed Abdel Salam Ragheb Publication date 2009/2/25 Journal Contemporary Management Research ABSTRACT The last three decades have seen a progressive increase in worldwide environmental consciousness due to rising evidence …
Author(s): Ingy Hamza , Rabab Chouhoud , Passent Tantawi Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities and underlying challenges for implementing Islamic tourism in Egypt. It also evaluates through qualitative techniques the awareness and acceptance of this new …
Author(s) Mohamed A. Ragheb1 Rania Mustafa1 , Mohamed Wahaba1 , Alaa El-Gharabawi2 Publication date 2021 Journal Open Access Library Journal ABSTRACT This study investigates the impact of knowledge management on institutional performance through improving the balanced scorecard. This research depended on the …
In the past, earning a college degree meant physically attending in-person classes, which often posed challenges for working professionals or those with complicated schedules. Now, thanks to advances in technology, it’s easier than ever to find a degree program that …
Author(s) Amr Elfawal , Mohamed A Ragheb , Riham Adel Abstract The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for examining the impact of innovation and supply chain management practices on operational performance of FMCG organizations within …
Author(s) Mona Abdelreheem , Mohamed A Ragheb , Passent Tantawi Publication date 2021/6/30 Journal Open Access Library Journal Abstract This study investigated the relationship between the CRM strategies, brand equity, brand image, brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and switching …